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刚从德里回来不久,今天清晨收到印度大朋友Namrata的分享,她因考试和实习,有近三个月没有和小朋友见面了,虽保持着联系,但内心还是沮丧。昨天去了小朋友在贫民窟(Kanak Durga)的家,小朋友Zainab和她妹妹,母亲都对她好亲切,帮她做这做那的,让她喜悦和感动后的分享。我想很多志愿者都能读英文,就在此和大家分享了。 祖禹 Best day of my journey 29.07.14 Yesterday was the best day of my BFLF journey. It was Eid and I went to Zainab's house for celebration. She looked extremely pretty. I reached there at 2pm. Because it was festival I took sweets for her house, chocolates for kids and a parandi for Zainab as her Eid gift. I Went around meeting her entire extended family, playing with her cousins, chatting with her new bhabhis and her mom. We ate a lot from channas to kheer and amazing dahi bhallas. They have a custom of giving a token of Rs50 Eidi to all the children in the house. Her mother came very sweetly and gave me my Eidi too.At around 5pm her little sister asked why she didn't put Mehendi for me so she said she will and I happily agreed too. She was putting the very amazing design when she told me that she had done her first earning project where she did the bridal Mehendi for a girl in her locality and earned Rs 500. I was so stunned and so extremely proud of her. I asked her to come to my place for Karwa Chauth for which she said didi you ask my mom. I said ok and the topic ended for the time being. After around half an hour her mom came and I asked her if she could come to m ...

阅读:6810 | 评论:11网友评论:

  • mareiya 发表于 2014-8-12 18:29:35
  • mareiya 发表于 2014-8-12 18:28:21
  • ziranse 发表于 2014-8-11 20:32:59
  • ziranse 发表于 2014-8-11 20:32:16
  • chenhongying 发表于 2014-8-11 13:43:52
    两个感谢,谢谢叶先生的分享,谢谢金粒的用心翻译。我也利用整整一下午时间,边查字典边看文章,感觉还是金粒翻译的比较好! 最近刚刚家访,看了我们大朋友的分享后,突然感觉到和印度大朋友Namrata分享有很多相似,不管我们在什么国家,一样的长期陪伴就有一样的感觉,在爱的陪伴中,小朋友的成长,小朋友家人对大朋友的关爱,让我们做为大朋友感觉收获更多,有人曾经说过你给予的越多收获就越多,没有回报的付出,得到反而更加丰盛!


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刚从德里回来不久,今天清晨收到印度大朋友Namrata的分享,她因考试和实习,有近三个月没有和小朋友见面了,虽保持着联系,但内心还是沮丧。昨天去了小朋友在贫民窟(Kanak Durga)的家,小朋友Zainab和她妹妹,母亲都对她好亲切,帮她做这做那的,让她喜悦和感动后的分享。我想很多志愿者都能读英文,就在此和大家分享了。 祖禹 Best day of my journey 29.07.14 Yesterday was the best day of my BFLF journey. It was Eid and I went to Zainab's house for celebration. She looked extremely pretty. I reached there at 2p ... 刚从德里回来不久,今天清晨收到印度大朋友Namrata的分享,她因考试和实习,有近三个月没有和小朋友见面了,虽保持着联系,但内心还是沮丧。昨天去了小朋友在贫民窟(Kanak Durga)的家,小朋友Zainab和她妹妹,母亲都对她好亲切,帮她做这做那的,让她喜悦和感动后的分享。我想很多志愿者都能读英文,就在此和大家分享了。 祖禹 Best day of my journey 29.07.14 Yesterday was the best day of my BFLF journey. It was Eid and I went to Zainab's house for celebration. She looked extremely pretty. I reached there at 2p ...