果断力:敢于表达,敞开心扉,坚持立场(坚持自己的立场,同时没有多余地冒犯别人)Assertiveness: Speaking up; Opening up; and Standing firm
(Standing up for yourself, without needlessly offending other people.)
Learn about yourself. The way you behave towards the other person will define whether you get what you want. Learn whether or not this is at the expense of others. Your performance is in general satisfactory, but in certain situations you do not necessarily do what you were actually planning to do. Why be more assertive? If you behave more assertively you will be more effective in your job. This is because assertiveness tends to breed assertiveness, so people are more likely to work with you, rather than against you. This, in turn makes it easier to obtain a satisfactory result in many of the situations you are faced with both in your private and professional life.
Assertiveness is linked to self-esteem and considered an important communication skill. It is a trait taught by many personal development experts and psychotherapists worldwide. However it is hardly possible to find a Chinese equivalent word. Is there no assertiveness in Chinese in China’s long cultural history? Or there are different definitions on assertiveness in China?
使用武功,你使用自己的身体,可能会伤害到自己; 运用果断力,你利用自己的智慧,可能会不战而胜. By martial art, you use your body and might hurt yourself. By assertiveness, you use your mind and win without fighting. 你想更多地了解果断力并以此提升自己的个人效能吗?我们诚挚地邀请你参加本次果断力慈善沙龙。 Do you want to know more about assertiveness?I invite you to join the Assertiveness Charity Salon. 本次活动的目的: · 演练在不触犯他人想法和感情的同时,成功地发表自己的想法和意见, · 帮助你更多地了解自己,学习如何获得自己所想要的, · 提升工作和社交活动中的个人影响力. · 解决一个棘手问题(每位参加者可以提前准备一个和自己切身生活有关的问题) 本次活动的目标群体: · 希望通过提升软技能来发展个人效能的专业人士; · 所有想要在工作和生活中获得成功、提高效率的人们; · 以及那些希望更好地调整和规划职业发展方向的人们。 本次活动的形式: 本次活动将采取讲解加演练的方式,演讲时间不超过半小时,为保证每位人员都能充分参与,在交流互动中学习,限制人数12人-15人。 本次活动的费用: 50元/人,所有收费全部以学员本人的名义捐给天使妈妈基金http://www.angelmom.org 捐款渠道:天使妈妈基金http://www.angelmom.org/donation/help.aspx 或者活动现场交费由组织者代捐。请感兴趣的朋友尽快报名,预定名额。 日期Date: 2010年5月30日 周日 时间Time: 签到和自由交流13:30 正式活动时间14:00-17:00 (中间有15分钟茶歇) 场地Location: 建外SOHO (具体场地只通知报名人员) 讲师Lecturer: 董焱(Jessica) 女士 语言Language: 中文Chinese 报名Registration: 报名者请发送完整信息包括 姓名/Email/手机 到 jessicady@163.com 并说明捐款方式。 董焱 Jessica Dong 果断力专家 《个人效能:果断力》作者 思腾中国认证软技能培训师
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